Wednesday, October 15, 2014

We are almost there!

The course will officially open on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.

(Weather permitting and golf course conditions allow)

Please join us for the opening weekend!

Saturday, November 1 and Sunday, November 2 

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Join us for complimentary mimosas, bloody marys, egg and sausage biscuits and other breakfast items at the first tee!

When you play again you will notice 5 differences in playing conditions:

1. The new Bermuda grass sod surrounding the green will be cut higher while the grass is getting established. It will not be cut to fairway height until next spring and we are certain it has grown in well. In the meantime, it will be difficult to putt from off the green, but Jeremy and Sean are available for chipping lessons. 

2. The edges of the greens do not have a collar or fringe. Each green has a three foot wide perimeter of the new bent grass sod. This new sod will eventually be mowed at putting surface height which is about 0.12", but it will not be moved at that height until it is well established. Next year we will create collars around our greens by moving the Bermuda grass shorter than fairway height. Normal fairway height is 0.5" and our plan is to cut a three foot wide Bermuda grass collar at 0.3" when conditions allow.

3. There are still places on some greens inside the newly sodded area that are bad.  We are aware of those places. We feel the overall improvements in the greens will allow these areas to recover on their own or with plugs.   Once the major construction is complete, we will be able to focus on these specific areas on a green by green basis.

Jeremy Franks and Bill Haywood looking at problem spots on the 14th green

4. There are piles of dirt in the woods.  It will be tilled and leveled over the winter to eliminate some of the hardpan areas around the course.  Next year we hope to be able to have grass in these areas.  In the meantime, play these areas as Ground Under Repair.

5. Certain bunkers don’t seem as deep.  Lips on some bunkers (10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17) have been cut down in order to make them tie in better with the green.

We appreciate everyone’s patience and support.  Come visit your Pro Shop.  They will be glad to show you around the course.

Completed 18th green

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