Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rain, Rain, Go away!

Well the heat is finally here, and it has quit raining for now!!  I wanted to take this opportunity to update the members on the status of our bermudagrass, in particular the shady holes.  The fairways on some of the shadier holes have experienced some winter kill, particularly in the heavy shade and wet areas.  With the erratic spring this year (green up in March, frost again in May, and cooler temperatures throughout the first of June) we have a few areas that will need to be re-grassed.  The areas we will be sodding include 6, 14, 18, and the practice tee.  The sod will be here the beginning of next week and will take care of the worst of our problems.  Most of these areas would have grown back eventually, but we did not want to wait another month for that to happen.  Other areas are filling in rapidly and we should be a 100% in a few weeks.  

Sunny fairways look awesome and are playing great!!  Greens have recovered nicely from aeration and should be back in prime form next week.  The bunkers are another area of concern right now and we have ordered multiple truckloads of sand to add in the green side bunkers to help with the consistency.  This is a short term fix but will help to get us through until we can address the problems with the bunker liner degrading and starting to fail.  It has been a slow spring here at James River, but we are looking forward to an awesome summer!!

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