It is the second week of December and temperatures are
slated to be in the low 70’s this weekend.
Great time to get out and play golf.
The greens are awesome right
now!! The speed is quick, the ball rolls
true, chips are running out and approach shots are holding. Lots of fun.
We were out spraying around the edges of the greens this week to get rid
of any off type grasses or weeds that are growing close to the bentgrass. This will help to keep a clean edge between
the greens and the collars so we can maintain definition.
A significant amount of the course has gone dormant, but we
have yet to get the full course killing frost to put the rest of it to
bed. Until then we will have frost
delays still even for lighter frosts. Leaf
clean-up has gone well this year with the addition of the vacuum. The warmer weather has allowed the trees to
still hold on to some leaves, but once they are down we should be able to get
them cleaned up quickly.
We have hired a company to work on the debris pile down
behind the maintenance facility. They
began this week so there will be some trucks moving across the property with
loads of trash. We will attempt to
minimize any disturbance to the membership while we make improvements to an
area that has needed attention for some time.
When we are finished we will move a container in for the trash and
dispose of it as we go along. There will
also be parking for the staff and guests so the cars will no longer be parked
under the trees.